Description of the guinea pig breed “English Crested”
The English Crested Guinea Pig is a little known breed in Russia, and therefore shrouded in numerous myths and erroneous judgments, sometimes contradictory and fundamentally incorrect. In particular, on the Runet you can find information that the English crested is an ordinary crested, just the adjective “English” stuck to him for some reason, probably because such pigs were brought to Russia from England. 🙂
And in one source, the author generally talks about the American crested, mentioning a white rosette on his head, and calls such a pig “English crested”.
Let’s try to sort out this confusion and find out what is the difference between the English crested and the American, from the usual crested and whether there are any, these differences at all.
The English Crested is one of the varieties of the Crested breed.
There are the following types of crested crosses:
- actually crested — a guinea pig with a characteristic rosette on its head, and the color of this rosette can be any, but different from the color of the rest of the fur coat;
- American Crested, or American White Crested, with a rosette on the head of a clear white color;
- English Crested, guinea pigs whose rosette color completely matches the color of the whole body;
- English Colored Crested — very similar to English, but differs in the presence of several colors in the color.
So, we hope that now all the difficulties with the identification of the crested crested have disappeared, and you will never confuse the English crested with the American.
In Europe and the United States, English crested crosses are widespread, and are pets in many families.
English crested: maintenance and care
The English crested, like all guinea pigs of the Crested breed, belongs to the short-haired guinea pigs, they have thick, short, tightly fitting fur. Short-haired guinea pigs are very unpretentious and do not require as much care as long-haired breeds. These guinea pigs are very clean, they look after their fur coat on their own, without creating unnecessary trouble for their owner.
In fact, all caring for a guinea pig is reduced to 3 feeding times, changing the water in the drinker and cleaning the cage every 3–7 days. Well, the claws will need to be trimmed every few months. That’s all!
English Crested Crushers, like other guinea pigs, are herbivores and therefore need fruits, vegetables, and plenty of grass / hay in their diet. Carbohydrates and fiber are the mainstay of their diet.
Unlike most mammals, the body of guinea pigs (like the human body, by the way) cannot synthesize vitamin C on its own, so this vitamin must come from outside in the required volume. Modern food for guinea pigs is fortified with vitamin C, so this type of food must be present in your pet’s diet. However, even when entering the body with granules, most of the vitamin C is not absorbed, therefore, it is imperative that you additionally add vitamin C to the water or feed in the form of drops or give your pet special chewable tablets for guinea pigs. Well, don’t forget about cabbage, lettuce, bell peppers and other vegetables rich in vitamin C.
Guinea pigs can and should be given fresh herbs, carrots, apples, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and grapes. Read more about permitted and prohibited foods in the “ Nutrition “ section
Always remove leftover food from the cage at the end of the day. It is best to use heavy ceramic cups as feeders, which are difficult to turn over. At least twice a week, these cups should be thoroughly rinsed with hot water. Continuous access to clean water is vital for guinea pigs. Special drip drinkers with a metal ball, which can be found in pet stores, are very convenient to use. Just do not forget to rinse such a drinking bowl with a special brush every time you change the water, otherwise the water will quickly “bloom”.
A spacious and functional cage is essential for keeping your guinea pig healthy and active. When choosing a cell, pay attention to three key points:
- material of which the cage is made
- Ensuring good ventilation (no aquariums or terrariums! Dune cages are also not suitable)
- ease of cleaning
- sufficient size. The size of the cage should be adequate for the normal activity of the guinea pig. The generally accepted standard is an area of 0.6 square meters, which corresponds to a 100×60 cm cage. Ideally, guinea pigs need even more space. The rule applies to their content: the more space, the better!
The place for the cage should be chosen away from cold walls and drafts, as well as away from direct sunlight. It is best to place the cage on a table or nightstand. In addition, please make sure that other animals cannot get to the pig and harm her. The cage must be thoroughly rinsed with hot water at least once a week. If necessary, you can use a safe cleaning agent. It’s important to use environmentally friendly cleaning products like vinegar or lemon. Avoid cleaning with chemicals as they can irritate the skin of guinea pigs.
More details — in the article “ Guinea pig cage “
Guinea pigs’ claws grow constantly, so once every few months they need to be trimmed with special nippers, which can be purchased at the pet store.
Guinea pigs’ teeth grow throughout their lives, so the guinea pigs constantly gnaw on something to grind their teeth. For this purpose, willow, birch or fruit tree twigs, as well as special chewing sticks or chewing toys from a pet store, are quite suitable.
The nature of the English crested
English Crested Crusaders are distinguished by their affectionate and good-natured character. They are quite curious, they love people, they are drawn to them, they love to be taken in their arms and looked or put on their knees. They will greet you with a loud squeak every time. This is how they express their joy.
Guinea pigs are social creatures. Loneliness is destructive for them. The best option is to keep guinea pigs in a couple, and a same-sex couple (if you do not plan to breed these animals). Most guinea pigs get along well with each other, but there are some things to consider. Females almost always get along with each other, and you can keep two or three, and … well, in general, as long as you want. Males can also easily get along with each other, especially if they are relatives (father and son) or growing up together. But there are times when the new males are not accepted by the old ones, there are fights and the defense of the territory. Read about how to properly transplant guinea pigs in the article “ Integration of pigs into a group of congeners “
Summing up, we can say that English Crested guinea pigs are an excellent option for novice pig breeders, as well as an unpretentious, but affectionate and funny pet for children.
Buy Guinea Pig English Crested
Private advertisements for the sale of English Crested guinea pigs